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You can reach me through sending a message below.


Feel free to text or send an direct email if you prefer. Follow me on facebook and message me there.


Below you will find some FAQ. If you have any questions, worries or fears, please reach out and let's chat.


And let's arrange a time for your next Bowen session!

Get in touch


07544 024 789


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Common questions

How many sessions will I need?

Bowens practitioners often ask clients to try three sessions at one weekly intervals to begin with. Over this time, it is best not to combine with other modalities (e.g. Bowen + osteopathy) and to carry on with conventional medications as usual. If there is no improvement or another practitioner/health care worker is better placed to work with you, I can refer you on in many instances. Some clients managing complex or chronic conditions may wish to have a once-a-month or a twice-yearly Bowen session to support them.


How much health information should I share?

You should share as much of your health history as you feel comfortable. It helps to know of any include surgeries, illnesses, injuries, lifestyle issues and scans you have had. Even if they don’t seem relevant or happened long ago. It is especially important to share any diagnoses and medications you are prescribed. This helps me choose the best protocols for you and to be mindful of any health red flags or make particular adaptations to your mobility/pain etc. There is no judgment. This information remains confidential unless you wish me to refer you on to another healthcare professional.


How do you store my information?

I keep written and digital logs of each client. I comply with the ICO guidance on storage and safety. I will only contact you about appointments. 


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